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Elevate your school communications!

View directory of New Jersey members

Want to improve your district's communication skills and strategy? Need to know how colleagues around the State of New Jersey are tackling educational issues? Searching for a network of professionals who understand your unique challenges? Join us to access these member benefits!

The New Jersey School Public Relations Association invites you to become a member and avail you and your district of all we offer. Membership is open to school communications professionals, district and building-based administrators, consulting agencies servicing schools, and others tasked with or promoting school communications.

If your role in your New Jersey district includes crisis communications, website management, social media posting, or even advising your superintendent on community engagement matters, NJSPRA can enhance your district efforts. Above all, the New Jersey School Public Relations Association offers the most valuable resource:

NETWORKING! In addition to all of the member benefits listed at right, members have access to all school communications colleagues in any of the nearly 600 school districts in New Jersey. As the premier provider of exceptional professional development for communications in the state, practitioners in our network are tightly interconnected and continuously provide support and expertise that ultimately saves your district time and enhances your productivity.

Membership is processed annually and follows the school fiscal year from July 1 to June 30.

Individual Membership: $375
Includes three full-day workshops, Annual Meeting/School Communicators Day celebration, Communications Awards/Networking event, including two contest entries.

Group memberships for multiple members from the same district available at discounted rates.

For questions or information, contact us at


NOTICE: 2025-26 Membership Dues Change
When renewing or planning for next year's membership, please use the following rates:
Individual: $375
Group of 2: $650
Group of 3: $960
Group of 4: $1265
Group of 5: $1570
Group of 6: $1880

Job Opportunity Sharing

The New Jersey School Public Relations Association frequently shares new vacancy announcements with current members and maintains an open interest network.

For potential school communicators:
If interested in joining the open interest network and receive alerts on new openings in districts across New Jersey, send us an email to request to join the NJ School Communications Interest Network.
For human resources representatives:
Recently create a new role in your district and are looking for the best in school communications? Send an email to the Vice President of Membership for distribution to our general membership.

Member Benefits

NJSPRA offers three full-day workshops in the fall, winter, and spring season with state and national speakers on topics of interest expressed by our members each year. Workshops are held in central areas of New Jersey and include breakfast, lunch and networking. We also add virtual workshops for hot topics as the need arises, all of which are included in your membership. To view workshops and virtual offerings, visit our upcoming events for details and registration links. 

Fall Awards Celebration and Networking Event
We kick off each year with an evening networking event and awards ceremony recognizing outstanding work in school communications from the prior year. 

Communication Awards Program
In this annual event, we celebrate and share the best work in school communications across our state. Membership includes two complimentary entries.

Annual Meeting/School Communicator's Day Celebration
We close out each ye
ar with our annual business meeting, including a recap of the year, structured networking and input from members for future planning, and a celebration of School Communicator's Day.

Communicator of the Year Recognition
Each year, we select and celebrate our Communicator of the Year who then goes on to compete for the national School Communicator of the Year awarded by the National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA).

Special Programming 
When urgent or timely events dictate, NJSPRA holds special programs to ensure our members have current and accurate information.

NJSPRA sponsors at least one scholarship annually to the National School Public Relations Association annual seminar. Only members are eligible to
apply. The chapter also sponsors one scholarship each year to a student enrolled in the school communications program at Rowan University to grow the next generation of school communications practitioners.

Join 150+ school district members

Mailing Address

760 Route 46 West #1001
Parsippany, NJ 07054

Contact Us 

NJSPRA is one of 34 officially chartered chapters of the National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA) representing school communications professionals in individual states
and multi-state regions across the United States, U.S. territories, and Canada. © 2025 New Jersey School Public Relations Association. All rights reserved.
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